General Principles
In recognition that extended periods of leave from regular Institute’s duties may enhance the professional effectiveness of Institute’s faculty, the Institute has developed a variety of paid and unpaid leaves to meet those needs. Extenuating personal circumstances that prevent faculty members from carrying out their duties are also recognized in policies and programs that provide for paid and unpaid leaves in appropriate instances. Certain holidays and closure rules affect the responsibilities of all faculty and staff. There are other periods when classes are not held but Institute’s offices remain open (for example, Spring break and some holidays; refer academic calendar). Institute’s policies related to vacation allowance are relevant for all faculty on twelve-month appointments.
Members of the faculty who have completed six years (12 terms) of service in the professorial rank at the institute and have tenure are eligible to apply for sabbatical leave. Terms of scholarly activity leave or leave without salary do not count toward sabbatical eligibility. Sabbatical leaves must be recommended by the department head and approved by the president or a designated representative. The application should include a statement of a well-considered plan for spending the leave in a manner calculated to contribute to the professional effectiveness of the applicant and the best interests of the institution.
A sabbatical leave may be granted for the 12 months. The term during which an individual is eligible for a sabbatical leave is determined by the individual’s appointment history.
The instructional faculty member granted sabbatical leave receives one-half of the faculty member’s regular salary. Salary replacement received from a fellowship or other assistance in research, including the sabbatical leave salary, may not exceed the staff member’s regular salary.
A faculty member granted a sabbatical leave is required to return to the institute for a period of at least one year following the completion of the sabbatical leave. In the event the faculty member does not return to his or her duties at the Institute following a sabbatical, he or she will be expected to reimburse the institute for the funds it contributed to the leave.
Scholarly Activity Leaves not in excess of one year may be granted to members of the regular instructional faculty by the president or a designated representative on the recommendation of the department head. These leaves may be granted to permit acceptance of prestigious fellowships or to permit acceptance of a temporary appointment at another institution when this appointment would permit engagement in scholarly activities that are not otherwise practicably available and that will significantly enhance the individual’s professional effectiveness. Scholarly activity leaves are usually without salary, but if the award or available salary is less than the instructional faculty member’s regular salary, at the department head request, a supplement may be provided by the unit to maintain the staff member’s regular salary or a portion thereof.
Excused absences without pay for longer than 21 consecutive calendar days must be covered by a leave of absence. Leaves of absence without salary are granted for personal circumstances or for professional circumstances, including education, government or public service, outside teaching, or unique research opportunities. The president or his or her designated representative may grant leaves of absence without salary on recommendation by the department head to the faculty or staff for periods of up to one year. Only the President’s office may grant leaves of more than one year in duration and extensions of leaves beyond one year for the faculty or staff when an appropriate request is made on the recommendation of the department head.
The Institute wishes to minimize the loss of compensation to faculty when illness, injury, disability or preventive medical care makes absence from the performance of duty unavoidable. Consistent with its needs and requirements, the Institute grants sick leave to eligible members of the faculty when they make application on these grounds. The duties of the individual on sick leave are to be provided for without additional funding from the staff member’s school or college.
Members of the faculty who become incapacitated by sickness or accident are eligible for sick leave for periods of time and at rates of compensation that vary according to the individual’s length of service with the Institute and his or her rank. Regular and supplemental instructional faculty members are eligible for short-term sick leave at their regular salary during incapacity not to exceed three calendar weeks annually. Regular faculty members with service of two years or more are eligible for extended sick leave for one-half of an institute’s calendar- year at regular salary and one-half of an institute’s calendar - year at one-half regular salary.
Regular, associate and full professors, associate and full research scientists and research professors with ten years of service or more are eligible for extended sick leave for one year at regular salary year at one-half regular salary, in case of chronic ailments.
The maximum amount of sick leave will be decided on a case-to-case basis.