Withdrawal/ Refund Policy
The Refund Policy/Return of Financial Aid Policy applies to all students withdrawing during a semester for any reason, including disciplinary action.
Institute of Advanced Sciences (INADS) refund policy assumes that:
a student, parent or fund will not receive a refund/return of funds in an amount greater than the student, parent or fund has paid; and
a student or parent will not owe the College more when withdrawing than their original scheduled payment (gross institute charges, excluding insurance, minus financial aid for which the student qualified and completed the application process), if the student had remained for the entire semester; and
Note: "Gross institute charges" include billed tuition, and fees; they do not include fines or special fees.
Withdrawal policy
The administrative office of INADS will determine the date of official withdrawal according to federal and any other appropriate regulations. The date of official withdrawal is ordinarily the date a student returns the proper withdrawal form to the administrative office. The administrative department may determine another, later official date if a student continues attending academically-related activities (classes, exams, study groups, etc.), fails to return the withdrawal form on a timely basis, or could not complete the withdrawal process for reasons outside of his/her control (accident, hospitalization, etc.). If a student withdraws during a semester without notifying the institute, the administrative department may use either the last documented date of academic activity or the mid-point of the semester.
Refunds of Tuition and Fees
10th class day of every semester will be the last withdraw date. A student who officially withdraws from the program prior to 4:00 p.m. on the 10th class day of the semester will receive a refund of 75 percent of tuition and fees. Before that official withdraws will be entitled of 100% of tuition and fees. After 60 percent of the semester is completed, tuition and fees are not refundable. They will receive incomplete, ‘I’, on their transcript, which they can complete within two years.
The Refund Appeals Committee meets toward the end of each term. Please submit forms no later than the 9th week of a given term for the committee's review. The meeting dates are subject to change so please email bursar@inads.org or call 508-999-XXXX to confirm the meeting date.
Instructions for Filing a Refund Appeal for Students:
Prior to submitting this request, check with the administrative office to see what effect dropping your course(s) will have on your aid. If the appeal is granted, this could result in the student owing for tuition, books purchased and/or refund received.
The Committee will NOT consider a Refund Appeal if any of the following conditions exists:
Course(s) were not officially dropped or student has received a grade other than a “W.”
Course(s)dropped for work related reasons (e.g., promotions, added hours, shift changes, etc.). The administrative department will attempt, if possible, to place you in another section of the same course that is more compatible with your work schedule, but you MUST contact that particular division.
Drops occurring later than 60% of course is complete.
If the above factors do NOT apply, then the Committee will consider a Refund Appeal when:
The request is submitted within twelve (12) months of the date the student withdraws from a particular class. AND
Your withdrawal is based on a medical emergency involving yourself or a medical emergency or death involving a member of your immediate family, which includes a: mother, father, sister, brother or child.
Please Note: grandparents, aunts, and uncles are not considered immediate family for a refund. Partial refunds may be given based on the date of formal withdrawal.
In medical situations, your refund request MUST be accompanied by a Physician’s statement, on the Physician’s letterhead, verifying the medical condition and the date(s) student is unable to attend class.
In the case of a death of a family member, you MUST include an obituary or other formal notice.
The administrative office of INADS will review and act upon all refund requests submitted. In addition to the situations described above, the Committee will generally act favorably in instances of verifiable mistakes or errors on the part of the college.
Reminder: The officials of (response for financial management and refunds) administrative office of INADS meets only once per term and you will be notified of the decision by mail. Please verify current address with the Registration & Student Records Office.
Return completed Refund Appeal Form, along with documentation to:
Institute of Advanced Sciences
86 Faunce Corner Mall Road, Suite 410B
North Dartmouth, MA 02747
Forms may also be faxed to 508-999-XXXX or submitted online. Call 508-999-XXXX with questions.