Initial appointments for a faculty member to a position may be at any rank, subject to the minimum qualifications and salaries negotiated prior to the appointment.
Center Director will submit requests with justification for full time faculty searches at appropriate time, generally at least six months in advance. Authorizations for faculty searches will be based on strategic planning goals, academic needs, and budget availability.
Initial Appointments and Contracts
Recommendations for hiring of new faculty shall be made by the Director of the Center, after consultation with the Center faculty and after receipt of the recommendation from the Chair of the appropriate Search and Screen Committee. The Director shall forward a recommendation along with the recommendation of the Search and Screen Committee to the President of the Institute of Advanced Sciences.
The principle of flexibility should govern the development of initial
contracts to positions. The following will serve as guidelines:
Each appointment to an academic position shall be made by the President of INADS or designee. Initial appointments shall normally be for a period of two years. The precise terms and conditions, including source of funds (institutional or grant funded) shall be set forth in writing by the President or designee and sent to the appointee before the effective date of appointment. Included shall be a statement detailing the specific requirements of the position and in what dimensions performance will be evaluated and the procedures of evaluation. This statement will be prepared
by the Center Director in concert with the Center’s Committee on Faculty Evaluation and approved by the President of INADS. The precise terms of the individual’s employment shall be made available to all persons and groups who shall be involved in the evaluation of said individual for the purpose of renewal, non-renewal, promotion, salary increases and period of appointment. The conditions of a contract of employment shall not be contrary to any provisions of this Agreement. A copy of the current prevailing policy shall be sent to the appointee together with the offer of appointment.
For an appointment as lecturer, a candidate must have made
substantial progress toward the completion of all requirements for the
terminal degree in his or her field of academic specialization, or possess
equivalent professional experience that is appropriate to the position to be
filled. The candidate must also give promise of academic or professional
development and achievement.
Assistant Professor
For an appointment as an Assistant Professor, a candidate must possess the
appropriate terminal degree, or equivalent professional experience. If the
candidate has held a faculty appointment at another institute, college or university, he or she must also have a record of achievement in the field of academic specialization. In addition, the candidate must show promise of continuing professional development and achievement.
Associate Professor
For an appointment as an Associate Professor, a candidate must possess
the appropriate terminal degree, or equivalent professional experience, and
must have had considerable academic or professional experience beyond
the level which would warrant an appointment as Assistant Professor;
must have a record of achievement sufficient to have gained substantial
recognition on and off campus from scholars or professionals in his or her
field; and must show promise of continuing professional development and
For an appointment as a Professor, a candidate must possess the appropriate terminal degree, or equivalent experience; and must have a record of achievement sufficient to have gained substantial recognition on and off campus from scholars and professionals in his or her field; and must show significant potential for continuing professional achievement.
Distinguished Professor
For an appointment as a Distinguished Professor, a candidate must have held the rank of Professor or its equivalent for a minimum of ten years and must have gained extraordinary recognition on and off campus from scholars and professionals in his or her field.
Visiting Faculty
Visiting faculty can be appointed at the rank of Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor rank, depending on qualifications and experience. Such faculty may be in residence at the Center from another institute, college, university, industry, government laboratories or agencies, and the like, with interest in collaboration with Center’s projects and teaching on temporary basis. Visiting faculty may or may not receive any compensation.
Recommendation for appointment of a Visiting Faculty can be made any faculty of the Center through Center’s Director for approval by the President of INADS.
Adjunct Faculty
Adjunct faculty can be appointed at the rank of Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor rank, depending on qualifications and experience. Such faculty may be from another institute, college, university, industry, government laboratories or agencies, and the like, and may associate themselves with the Center with interest in collaboration with Center’s projects and teaching on a regular basis. Adjunct faculty may not receive any compensation.
Recommendation for appointment of a Adjunct Faculty can be made any faculty of the Center through Center’s Director for approval by the President of INADS.
In making appointments to the ranks of Professor or Associate Professor, an applicant’s record of publication of books authored, articles published in scholarly journals, or professional achievements which contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the applicant’s field shall be a major consideration in determining eligibility. Success in the art and practice of teaching, including advising of research students, shall be assumed as a basic requirement for initial and continuing employment in all academic positions.
Promotion Policy
Consideration for promotion of an individual will be decided by a evaluation committee appointed by the President of INADS. Committee will conduct all the necessary requirements (interviews, teaching records, research records etc.) and send a detailed report to the office of the President of INADS, who will take the final decision on the promotion of an individual.
Faculty members may be appointed initially at any rank in keeping with the requirements of this Article, but nothing in these requirements should prevent the initial appointment or the promotion of an individual of exceptional talent or accomplishment who does not meet all the stated criteria. Exception to these standards may also be made in emergencies or when no fully qualified candidate meeting all standards is available for appointment and the good of the Center necessitates the filling of the specific position.
A doctor’s degree from an accredited institution in the academic discipline to be taught.
The policy will be implemented after its recommendation by the Board of Advisors of the Botulinum Research Center, and upon approval of the President of the Institute of Advanced Sciences. At each stage, strict adherence of confidentiality is important, and all the people involved in the search/screen/review/selection/promotion should maintain confidentiality of the entire process.