NAME _______________________________ DEPARTMENT_____________________________
General Comments and Directions
1. This document was developed by the President’s office. The material will be used for personnel evaluation. The contract is the final arbiter of all questions. All quotations are referenced to the current contract.
2. According to the Agreement between the Board of Advisors and the President’s office, faculty are evaluated in Teaching Effectiveness and Advising, Scholarship and Professional Activities, and either institute’s Service or public Service or both.
3. Subcategories are not necessarily in the order of importance. Selected examples are given for some categories. “Each department/school shall develop a written statement, taking into account the mission of the institute specifying the types of items that will be counted within each of the categories of evaluation. While certain aspects of a single project may be counted under different categories, no single item or activity may be counted in more than one category.” (page 55) If approved, please attach a copy of your Department’s statement.
4. Please return the completed form to your department head by Jan 31.
A. Teaching Effectiveness and Advising. "Teaching effectiveness based on student evaluation and judgment of members of the Faculty Evaluation Committee. Academic advising of students majoring in the department , graduate student research advising and advising of students enrolled in the faculty member’s own classes shall be considered in this category.” (page 54)
1. Classroom activities. (For a definition of “contract units”, please refer to page 71.)
| Fall Semester |
| Spring Semester | |
| Course Number | Enrollment | Contract | Course Number | Enrollment | Contract |
| Unit |
| Units |
| Fall Semester | Total Units | ________ | Spring Semester | Total Units | ________ |
| Academic Year | Total Units | ________ |
2. Assigned non-classroom Activities. (List number of contract units from which you were released.) Specify the number and type of students supervised (honors, senior or graduate projects, research assistance, Master theses, Ph.D. dissertations, etc.) associated with the release time.
3. Course improvements and innovations undertaken.
4. Research and development of new courses, new preparations, or curriculum development.
5. Other activities related to teaching effectiveness.
6. Evidence relating to teaching effectiveness. An example would be peer review.
7. Advising activities. Examples would include classroom students, senior or master project or thesis, doctoral dissertation, and academic advisement of departmental majors.
B. Scholarship and Professional Activities. "Scholarship may include research, professional publication, creative activities, peer review, and scholarly consultation. Professional activities may include office in professional organizations, service to one’s profession , participatory attendance at professional meetings and seminars, and professional development efforts." (page 54)
1. Publication. Examples include publications, musical compositions, artistic works, engineering designs, software construction, reports, seminars, and work presented. Please provide citation.
2. Ongoing creative work, scholarly or research projects in progress. Examples include funded and unfunded research, grants and contracts. Please explain work and expected date of completion.
3. Professional activities. Examples include office held in a professional society and member of a committee/task force for a professional organization. Please list the name of the organization and activity performed.
4. Awards and honors. Examples include scholarly or professional recognition by agencies or professional societies, critical or peer reviews, stipends or grants other than research grants, and listing in public and private collections. Please list the name of the organization and activity recognized.
5. Professional activities in support of research and publication. Examples include editor or referee of scholarly journals, manuscript review, music adjudication or editing, and judging competitions.
6. Scholarly consultation activities. Please note agency for whom the consultation was performed and the scholarly or creative product of the activity.
7. Professional development. Examples include further course work in the discipline, attendance at professional meetings, and proposals submitted for external funding.
C. Institute Service. "Institute service includes service to the department, school, college, participation in structured programs such as student advising, advising centers, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary program advising, and advising student organizations and clubs." (page 54)
1. Service to the department. Examples include department chairperson; recruitment, curriculum, and other committee participation; liaison with other departments, agencies, and organizations; program direction or coordination; student admission, registration, and orientation; interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary programs.
2. Service to the college or school. Examples include committee participation, service on the Academic Council, program direction or coordination, and participation in other college activities.
3. Service to the Institute. Examples include service on Institute’s committee committees, program direction or coordination, and advising activities for the various academic activities.
4. Other academic service. Examples include student club advisement and other miscellaneous items. Please submit a description of the kind, amount and dates of service.
D. Public Service/Educational outreach. "Public service includes participation in community affairs and consultation associated with one's area of professional competence." (page 55)
1. Participation in community affairs. Examples include leadership activities such as board member, officer, or committee chairperson; membership in public cultural, intellectual and charitable organizations; collaborative work with K-12 school systems. Please provide the name of the agency and work performed.
2. Consultation associated with one's area of professional competence. Examples include contract or volunteer work for public institutions or groups. Please provide the name of the agency and the work performed.
E. Any other activities: