Employee Code of Conduct
As an Institute of Advanced Sciences (INADS) employee it is your responsibility to appropriately represent the institute and propagate the institutional mission and vision. This can often be challenging – especially in the educational field where the importance of scholarship is very high. Within the Institute, it is important for all employees to not only understand what their job entails, but also what is the main objective of the institute as a whole. In fact, institute’s credibility is dependent on the overall attitude and conduct of its employees.
The shared vision of the institute is combined with a long-term view with a strong moral and ethical sense. We look to the distant past as well as the far future. We as a team want to create an open system which will be based on openness, freedom, respect for others, proper communication, and very high ethical values.
Institute’s reputation is extremely important to all of personnel, and INADS seeks to safeguard the reputation of the Institute. Therefore, it is important for everyone to properly represent the institute, wherever we participate professionally. Below are the some of the main points everyone should consider wherever anyone represents as a INADS employee both formally and informally.
Conflict of Interest
Employees have an obligation to avoid actual or potential conflicts of interest with their Institute employment. A conflict of interest may exist when you or a member of your family are involved in activities that may impact the employee’s ability to conduct Institute business fairly and impartially. A conflict may be actual or perceived and could result in personal or professional gain for that employee or persons close to them, using the Institute’s name. For the purposes of this policy, family members include an employee’s spouse, children, parents, siblings, grandparents or grandchildren; the parents, children or siblings of the employee’s spouse; or any other person whose association with the employee is similar to any of these relationships.
Business dealings with outside firms should not conflict with the Institute and any unusual gains should be linked to the Institute. Unusual gains refer to bribes, product bonuses, special fringe benefits, unusual price breaks, or other windfalls designed to ultimately benefit the employee. Anything that could be interpreted to involve an unusual gain requires disclosure and approved by the Institute Management Committee.
Any transaction and business dealing involving the institute should be properly informed to immediate supervisor or the Institute Management Committee.
Business gifts and entertainment can build goodwill between companies or organizations. However, gifts and entertainment can also create a perception of a conflict of interest and can undermine an employee’s duty to act in the best interests of the Institute at all times.
Employees must not accept gifts, services or any other benefit valued at more than $50 from any individual, company, or organization that has a business relationship or affiliation with the Institute or want to collaborate with the institute in the future. Gifts of cash, stocks, loans or similar items must not be accepted at any time and should be returned immediately. If the value of a gift is undetermined, it should be returned. Gifts of any value must never be solicited. Employees may accept reasonable and appropriate business, entertainment such as dining or sporting events if the purpose of the event is to hold business discussions or to foster better business relations. Employees may also accept promotional items without significant value and which are distributed routinely. In some international business transactions, it is customary and lawful for business leaders in a host country to give gifts to the Institute employees. Because refusing the gift could offend the host, such gifts may be accepted. If the gifts are valued at more than $50, they must become the property of the Institute.
Use of Institute Property and Information
All employees are responsible for the proper use of Institute physical resources, property and proprietary and other confidential information.
Outside Interests and Activities
INADS recognizes that employees may engage in professional, technical and other activities to enhance their professional growth. Similarly, employees may also have alternate employment, participate in businesses, or receive remuneration for personal activities outside of their employment at INADS. Such outside activity and/or interests are generally encouraged, provided that the activity:
does not interfere with the performance of the employee’s duties as an employee;
is not performed in such a way as to appear to be an official act of the Institute, or to represent the Institute’s opinion or policy; and
does not negatively impact upon the Institute’s reputation nor bring the Institute into disrepute.
Trademarks, Logos, Service Marks and Copyrights
Trademarks and service marks – words, slogans, symbols, logos or other brands used to identify a particular source of goods or services – are important tools and valuable assets for the institute. No employee may negotiate or enter into any agreement regarding Institute’s trademarks, service marks or logos without first consulting the President’s office. The institute also respects the
trademark rights of others and any proposed name of a new product or service must be submitted to the President’s office clearance prior to its adoption and use.
Employees must avoid the unauthorized use of copyrighted materials of others. Reproducing, distributing or altering copyrighted materials without permission from the copyright owner is illegal and may result in litigation, fines and penalties.
Only logos approved by the institute should be used without any changes (no color, font and background changes are allowed).
Restriction of the Institute’s or its department name or any logos related to the INADS.
In a manner that violates any law or regulation
For personal use
In any way that could not be reasonably construed with INADS mission and vision
Not for propagating personal views or opinion
Any sole opinion, which is unfair, disparaging, misleading, infringing, libelous, obscene or otherwise objectionable to INADS
Any materials that contain or promote adult content, promote gambling, or involve the sale of tobacco or alcohol
Display of logos in social activity, procession, march, etc. is strictly prohibited.
In a manner that infringes, derogates, dilutes or impairs the respect of INADS logo.
Political Involvement
The institute will exercise a neutral view on any political activities. Institute’s primary objectives are education and research, and every employee should adhere to these objectives. However, employees are free to exercise the right to make political contributions within legal limits, independent of the institute’s involvement. The institute will not reimburse any employee for political contributions, and employees should not attempt to receive or facilitate such reimbursements. Generally, no contribution may be made with the expectation of favorable government treatment in return. Any political activity or contribution by an employee which might appear to be an endorsement or contribution by the Institute must be approved in advance by the President’s office. Employees must not use the Institute facility or resources to seek any political favor or lobbying.
Representation of the Institute
Time to time Institute’s employee will be attending conferences, seminars, symposium, panel and various other meetings. They should represent INADS appropriately and they should carry themselves professionally both inside and outside the institute.
Respectful to all the staffs of the institute and offer fair treatment.
Maintain professional relationship with the others as far as work is concerned.
Fair, honest, ethical and professional dealing with outside organizations, collaboration and individuals.
All employees should strictly adhere to confidentiality agreement.
Before sharing any proprietary material or any material related to intellectual property, employee should inform the President’s office and approval should be obtained.
No sharing of any records is allowed to outside people.
Represent INADS professionally.
Post-Employment Restrictions
After leaving INADS, CDA (Confidentiality Disclosure Agreement) will be effective for three years. So, the leaving employee can’t share any data, record, discussion, technology or product development, and ideas to any outside people. Leaving employee cannot provide consulting or other services to an outside entity, whether they are dealing with INADS or not.
Compliance with the code of conduct
All employees have a responsibility to understand and follow this Code of Conduct. Every employee must annually certify that he or she has read this Code of Conduct and to the best of his or her knowledge is in compliance with all its provisions. In addition, all employees are expected to perform their work with honesty and integrity in any areas not specifically addressed by the Code of Conduct. A violation of this Code of Conduct may result in appropriate disciplinary action including the possible termination from employment with INADS Institute. Nothing in this Code of Conduct prohibits or restricts INADS Institute from taking any disciplinary action on any matters pertaining to employee conduct, whether or not they are expressly discussed in this document.
The President’s office of the Institute has the exclusive responsibility for the final interpretation of the Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct may be revised, changed or amended at any time by the President’s office of the Institute.
Reporting suspected non-compliance
The institute has established an Institute Management Committee. The institute expects its employees to bring to the attention of their supervisor, the President’s office, or the Institute Management Committee to inform about suspected violations of this Code of Conduct, or any law by any INADS employee. Employees who have information about suspected improper conduct should bring it to the attention of their supervisors and/or a member of the Institute Management Committee, or submit an anonymous complaint. Employees are required to come forward with any such information, without regard to the identity or position of the suspected offender. The institute will treat the information in a confidential manner (consistent with appropriate evaluation and investigation) and will seek to ensure that no acts of retribution or retaliation are taken against anyone for making a report. Retaliation in any form against an individual who reports a violation of this Code of Conduct or of law, even if the report is mistaken, or who assists in the investigation of a reported violation, is itself a serious violation of this policy. Acts of retaliation should be reported immediately and will be disciplined appropriately.